Matt Thompson
on December 7, 2024
December 7th 1941, A Day That Changed The World. Not many WW2 Vets Left. God Bless The USA!!
My paternal Grandfather would be Drafted at 34 years of age. 35 was the cutoff age. He fought in the Battle of the Bulge with General Patton. He was a medic but was shot while working on a soldier in the snows and Hedgerows of Belgium. After 48 operations he survived living to be 92.
After the War he never drove a car again and walked with a limp but he became my role model telling me many times as a little kid, "You may walk different but that doesn't define who you are. With your talent you can do anything you work hard to do."
My maternal Grandfather was in the Navy in the South Pacific and suffered life threatening heat stroke. He was the most Humble, Kind man I've ever known and full of wisdom if you took time to listen.
I miss these two men in my life but im also very Thankful for them. Covar Bailey and Wes Hamrick.
A lot of the "Men" who went overseas after Dec 7th were as young as 15 and 16 and Never came home. What makes me sad is I doubt this even taught in schools today and we wonder why we are in such a Mess!
I hope im wrong but History Teachers its time to Teach The Truth. Just a thought this morning. - Keith-Karen Bailey
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