Jason constantinoff
on December 5, 2024
Someone once said that people wouldn't believe in God at all, if they weren't allowed to believe in Him falsely. For every person that truly believes exactly what the Book says about God, there are at least a thousand who have rejected what it says, either by private interpretation or by wilful ignorance of its contents. I was reminded of this by a man who read one of my posts and then said that there's no way we can know what God is doing. I'll file that one under "wilful ignorance."
No way we can know what God is doing? Seriously? Not only do I know what God is doing; I know what the man was doing when he made the foolish remark: he was justifying his ignorance! I'll interpret him for you: "Since I don't know what God is doing, due to my refusal to believe ALL of His words, I will justify my ignorance by claiming that NO ONE can know what He is doing." Naturally, most folks would agree with the man, because they don't know what God is doing either.
The words that the man refused to believe were the many words that God gave us regarding His desire to keep some people in ignorance and confusion due to their rejection of truth. That's a tough pill to swallow for this snowflake generation, and it's even tougher for those who have traded the God of the Bible away for a Santa Claus god after their own image and liking (Rom. 1:21-23). What does God do? That's easy: HE DOES WHAT HE SAYS HE WILL DO! Either you believe Him or you don't. Most people don't.
The Bible's first mention of the word "understand" is found in Genesis 11:7 when God TOOK AWAY the understanding of people and gave them CONFUSION instead. He did this because they had set out to change the world with their good intentions and good deeds without respecting His will or His words in the least. In fact, they completely ignored Him (Gen. 11:1-6). That's in the Bible for our INSTRUCTION (II Tim. 3:16). Those who ignore it will fare no better than the blind builders of Babel. That's the God of the Bible, the One that most people just THINK they know. Heavenly deception is real, and those who reject this truth usually end up becoming the victims of it: I Kgs. 22:22; Ezk. 14:9; II Ths. 2:10-11. So, rather than declaring or lamenting that you "can't understand," you might consider asking, "WHY?"
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Gregory Corcoran
Only those who want to obey God will know what God is doing 😁
December 5, 2024
December 5, 2024
December 5, 2024