Pastor Tom Steers
on November 24, 2024
November 24, 2024
Pastor Tom Steers
Christ the Saviour Lutheran Church, Toronto
Lutheran Service Book
Divine Service Setting Three
OPENING HYMN: 804 “O Worship the King”
The Invocation Page 184 Confession and Absolution Page 184-185
Introit (read by the Pastor)
Psalm 39:4-5a,7-8, 12a; antiphon: 2nd Peter 3:13b
We are waiting for new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells.
O LORD, make me know my end
and what is the measure of my days;
let me know how fleeting I am!
Behold, you have made my days a few handbreadths,
and my lifetime is as nothing before you.
And now, O Lord, for what do I wait?
My hope is in you.
Deliver me from all my transgressions.
Do not make me the scorn of the fool!
Hear my prayer, O LORD,
and give ear to my cry;
hold not your peace at my tears!
Glory be to the Father and to the Son
and to the Holy Spirit;
as it was in the beginning
is now, and will be forever. Amen.
We are waiting for new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells.
Kyrie (Lord Have Mercy)
Lord have mercy upon us.
Christ have mercy upon us.
Lord have mercy upon us.
Pastor: The Lord be with you.
Congregation: And with thy Spirit.
Collect Prayer:
Lord Jesus Christ, so govern our hearts and minds by Your Holy Spirit that, ever mindful of Your glorious return,
we may persevere in both faith and holiness of living;
for You live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and forever. Amen.
Our Old Testament Reading Isaiah 51:4-6 Psalm 93 Epistle Reading Jude 20-25 Gospel Reading (please stand) Mark 13:24-37
HYMN OF THE DAY: 697 “Arise, O Sleeper, Rise from Death”
The Sermon –
This Sunday marks the end of the Church year.
The season of Advent begins next week.
This ending invites us to reflect on the meaning of time, and our place in it.
We’re drawn to consider the temporary nature of earthly life, even the fact that stars and galaxies, the universe itself, had a beginning, and will have an end.
Astronomers can tell us that, but the Bible laid out God’s plan of creation -- its beginning, eventual end, and renewal -- a long time before modern science began.
There are many things we can know about the physical world, and much more we will never know.
That’s because no matter how bright or educated we are, we’ll never have the mind of God.
We are His created children; He is the eternal creator.
We all underestimate God – we can't help it.
The Bible describes God as infinite, absolute, holy, perfect.
Nothing in this world can compare with those qualities.
We who live in an imperfect world with plenty of limitations have no point of reference or experience with which to deal with God's character.
Although we might imagine traveling in time, how do we wrap our minds around a God who is present in all times?
While we travel from place to place, how can we possibly envision a God who has no need to travel because He’s already in all places?
How do we approach a God who not only knows the positions and activities of every single atom in the universe, but actually supervises them so they behave in a predictable way?
We can't do it.
Our minds are too small.
I suppose that’s one reason we’re so intimidated and yet intrigued by “end times” theories.
If anyone with scientific or theological credentials says or publishes anything about the Apocalypse or Armageddon, they’re bound to draw an audience.
At some point or another, every Bible student has their period of fascination with Ezekiel, Daniel, Revelation and other passages that talk about the end of time, including today's reading from the Gospel of Mark.
Their imaginations can run off with speculation and miss the true meaning of these wonderful words of prophecy.
We can forget that God maintains the universe He created.
We forget the laws of science are merely descriptions of the way God runs the material world.
On the day the Almighty stops maintaining the universe, it will not be there.
That’s exactly what Jesus describes in today's Gospel reading.
"The sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will be falling from heaven, and the powers in the heavens will be shaken."
Jesus is telling His First Century audience, and us, that the current universe will simply go away on the last day.
God will stop supporting it, and it will be gone.
Today's Gospel is part of the teaching Jesus gave on the Mount of Olives after He left the temple the Tuesday before His crucifixion.
Last week, we read the beginning of that instruction.
The disciples asked our Lord privately, "Tell us, when will these things be, and what will be the sign when all these things are about to be accomplished?"
Jesus took the opportunity to teach them about the end times.
Christ said, "Then they will see the Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory."
There are some who ask, "If Jesus returns to this side of the earth, how will people on the other side see Him when He returns?
These people underestimate God.
If heaven and earth have passed away, it won’t make any difference where you’re standing at the moment.
When Christ comes in power and glory, we’ll have no problem seeing Him.
In fact, Jesus will be the only thing worth seeing.
There will be no need for anyone to say, "This is the end of the world."
The events will be so dramatic everyone will know it immediately.
In last week's Gospel, the disciples asked, "When will these things be?"
In His explanation of the Last Day, Jesus said, "Concerning that day or hour, no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father."
Christ, in His state of humiliation, didn't know the time of the end of the world.
So, if it wasn’t necessary for even Jesus to know the time of the end, it certainly isn’t necessary for anyone else to know that time either.
Nevertheless, many have been seduced by the mystery of it all, and actually set dates and times for Christ's return.
They look for clues in the stars or in current events.
What a waste of time and money.
Why not simply listen to the Words of Christ Himself?
His main teaching in today's Gospel runs in perfect parallel with the theme of last week’s Gospel.
That message was, "The one who endures to the end will be saved."
This week Jesus tells us to, "Be on guard, keep awake, stay awake!”
Jesus used the word picture of a doorman waiting for his master to return from a trip.
The reason the doorman keeps watch and stays awake is he’s to be prepared when the master returns.
Since Christ is our master -- how can we be ready for Him?
Certainly, our material wealth won’t help us.
When the sun darkens and the stars fall from the sky, our financial wealth will be gone.
All of the stuff we’ve collected in our lives won’t help us -- it will also disappear.
And what of our good works?
We can consider our lives in the light of the Ten Commandments.
Have we loved God with our whole heart?
Have we truly loved our neighbour as ourselves?
With honest reflection we can all say no, we haven’t.
The Bible tells us all have sinned.
And what that means is that if we rely on our own merit or resources on that last day, we’ll wish the earth was still there so we could hide and call to the mountains, as it says in Revelation 6:16-17:
"Fall on us and hide us from the face of Him who is seated on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb, for the great day of their wrath has come, and who can stand?"
On the last day, only the true God will remain.
All the false gods, including the ‘gods’ of money, pride, and earthly power, will pass away.
The only authority remaining, will be the very One who reveals Himself in power and glory coming in the clouds.
That One is Jesus Christ.
Jesus, who will come in power and glory, came once before 2,000 years ago in poverty and humility, and died a condemned criminal, although He was without sin.
Although He was, and is, the master of all, He became servant of all.
He lived the perfect life we can’t.
Then He allowed sinful men to crucify Him, so He could offer Himself as the sacrifice we could never make.
In His death, Christ conquered death . . . the grave couldn’t hold Him.
But the last word was not the cross -- but the resurrection.
On the Sunday after He was laid Him in the tomb, Jesus rose from the dead to live forever.
Now He comes to us with Good News.
He offers to take away our sin and cover us in His righteousness,
to restore our broken relationship with God.
He offers forgiveness of sins, life, and salvation.
He promises these things as He reveals Himself in His Word and Sacraments.
The Holy Spirit uses these means of grace to build and sustain our faith in Jesus Christ.
And it is by faith that Jesus keeps us ready for His return.
The Holy Spiri works this faith in Christ within us.
He prepares us for the end of our time on earth no matter how, or when, it happens.
Many will not see that last day before they leave this earth through death.
The things we see on television remind us daily how fragile and fleeting life is.
Just as no one knows the day the world will end, so none of us knows when our last day in this life will be.
But the same faith in Jesus Christ that keeps us watchful and ready for the end of the world, also keeps us watchful and prepared for that other temporary ending.
In either case the same Saviour is there for us, pardoning believers for our sins, loving us despite our flaws, and wiping away every tear this world causes us to shed.
We can face our lives and troubles with confidence, an assurance that we know what the end will bring for us – Heaven, paradise, and an eternity in the loving light of God.
So may the peace that truly does pass all understanding, keep your hearts and minds in Jesus Christ.
SERVICE OF THE SACRAMENT Page 194 Sanctus (Holy, Holy, Holy) Page 195 The Lord’s Prayer Page 196 Agnus Dei (Lamb of God) Hymn 962
The Distribution
Nunc Dimittis (The Song of Simeon) Page 199
Post-Communion Collect (Right-hand column) Page 201
The Benediction Page 202
CLOSING HYMN: 659 “Lord of Our Life”
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