Arnold Moore
on November 20, 2024
For those who love from the heart
There is no such thing as separation
For those who love unconditionally
There is no such thing as heartbreak
For those who have made peace with their past
And are committed to a path of love and kindness
There is no such thing as guilt
For those who have learned from their mistakes and continue to strive for success
There is no such thing as failure
For those who are as compassionate and accepting toward themselves
As they are toward others
There is no such thing as shame
For those whose pain serves a purpose
There is no such thing as suffering
For those who learn and evolve from their past experiences
Allowing them to give rise to great growth and transformation within them
There is no such thing as regret
For those who do not shoulder burdens that aren’t theirs to carry
There is no such thing as resentment
For those who do not take themselves too seriously
And are able to laugh at themselves
There is no such thing as embarrassment
For those who do not consider other’s opinions of them to be superior to their own
There is no such thing as self-consciousness
And for those who love with their soul
There is no such thing as loss.
Words by Tahlia Hunter. Inspired by a quote by Rumi
Artwork by Catherine McMillan, Art
Dimension: 720 x 1011
File Size: 131.04 Kb
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