Peter DiGaudio
on December 4, 2020
"Chapter 1... This is the story behind one of the greatest manhunts in history. Maybe you read about it, or, rather what they let you read about it, probably as some minor item buried somewhere in a back page. However, what happened in that city between May 16th and May 28th of this year was so incredible, that to this day the facts have been suppressed in a massive effort to save certain political careers from disaster... and law enforcement officials from embarrassment... This will be the last time I will ever discuss these events with anyone. So when you have finished this bizarre account, judge for yourself its believability. And then try to tell yourself - wherever you may be - it couldn't happen here."
The immortal opening narration to THE NIGHT STALKER (1972), and the opening salvo to one of the greatest TV-movie/TV-series ever created.
Dimension: 500 x 500
File Size: 197.25 Kb
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