Kevin Espeseth
on October 22, 2024
WBR Live,
''Daily Constitution'',
''Sick Call Tuesday'',
Well intended, or ''Rockefeller'' from the beginning?
I suppose we could go back to the ''Coke-Cola'' and the patent medicines of the turn of the 1900's, to find the start of this mess, but WW-2 ramp-ed up the abuse to a level I don't see before.
It looks to be the developing nations after the war had a real problem with disposal of the side effect chemical for the production of the new ''Wonders'' that were advertised to the public. It would appear that the emerging graduates were tasked with finding use for all the ''paid to haul away'' chemicals and leftovers from that adventure in volume production.
The prime example in the start would be the result of the manufacture of Ammonium Nitrate (and the result Florine) to make the US, the world food supply, with the preservatives required with it to facilitate shipping. The people forced to agree (I presume) were hoping that the population would adapt.
Let's list the open discussion / fact find-able replaced materials:
Salt and High blood pressure; The initial studies (before policy) showed that -5 times- the normal salt intake made healthier bodies. Squelched to such an amount that the sodium required for the kidneys pumps was completely ignored.
Butter, Lard, Bacon, and plant seed oils/margarine; There is a chart (on wimkin today) that shows the chemical we don't want here. BTW, isn't Arsenic a plant seed oil? ''Natural'' don't mean healthy.
Sugar and honey. Sugar is now indicated in Alzheimer's as well as the obvious weight problems. Aspartame has been tagged for Autism, but the study of the preggers' moms may be tainted with the vax schedule (those moms would use both).
WBR Live,
''Daily Constitution'',
''Sick Call Tuesday'',
part – 2.
The water supply indicates that slightly alkali may be better than acid in cancer rates (look it up) and the prostate problems from alkali later may be countered by Iodine supplements. The ''preservatives'' used for very long term storage/transport don't help either (don't by boxes). The real problem we face now (for a number of reasons) is population -DENSITY-,!Not the total amount! We need to rid ourselves of the urban center -FEED LOTS-! (and all the others as well).
While we are still down on the farm, the veterinarian meds used have already been animal tested with decades of results. Clinical approval should now only take months for most that may work. Just the parasite ''prescriptions'' replacement is overwhelming. ALUM!! and hydrogen peroxide paste for everything through snakebite(??) works???
No admin will want to rebuild their entire factory distribution foundation, but think of the decades of simple production that can be profited with this return of the comprehension of these basic chems that we have ignored for the past few. No complicated testing for approval, legal complications gone, production simple, bees and farm soil robust. (and, the labor will do twice the work to build their own little Idaho).
Alum power
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