Kevin Espeseth
on October 16, 2024
A Good Goat will do that (old jury selection joke)
WBR Live,
''Daily Constitution'',
(pic on wimkin)
Since yesterday's column was such a sensation (depends on how you adjust the still suit), let me go into a few other things that would make a whole world of people better off, easy to do, don't hurt no -F-reaking body, and were left behind by ''people that do'' and forgotten by a press that ''gotta get that deadline''!
Submarines. Regardless of how it is generated (steam or internal combustion), a catch of reserve energy can make the entire operation of the machine more effective. That is not the objective of the administration of ''Detroit''. There reason for being is to absorb gas before anyone else can use it. That still don't explain ''Tucker, a Man and His Dream'' (the movie) however. It was 10 years before the automakers adapted his ideas into production (and not because they stole them or had difficulty adapting the production line to new specs).
BTW, it is illegal to produce a car that get more than 75 MPG.
Sign wave match silicon (AC power transmission) has been reliable since the '70's, making home generation into the grid effective and available. (only on a wholesale rate though/have to pay for all the infrastructure from the fueled utility generators). With the -presumed- required- main line circuit breakers in place, it would be the only parts of cities that have to deal with power outages. But ''they'' don't tell ya that.
OH! And then there was/is the great push to make America the world's food store with Ammonium Nitrate and mono culture farms! Like their shit don't stink. Terra Petra. Look it up, before the fields become ass fault.
etc. etc. etc...
Anyway, the pic. How complicated would it be to put a connection on the front of 4WD (mostly) for the handling of trailers (etc.) in a way that can be used for other effective equipment as well.
''They decided to go another way''.
And they ain't coming back.
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