Arnold Moore
on October 11, 2024
This is so true. No matter how difficult your situation might be, it’s a sad reality, that someone, somewhere in this world is far worse than you.
Wars, weather disasters, drug addiction, human trafficking, sexual abuse… The amount of people and children in horrific situations right now is overwhelming. To any of those people, our situation is a dream…
For anyone with a decent degree of empathy and compassion, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to be happy in a world plagued with suffering and hardship.
I am reminded of ‘Ubuntu’ - ‘I am because we are’.
I dream of the day that I can say, “I’m happy, because we the people are happy”. Until then, I will continue to raise awareness about the evil that has infected this world, in the hope that together we may defeat it forever. That day we will understand, that true freedom and true happiness can only be achieved when we are ALL free and happy.
I look forward to the day when humanity finally understands Ubuntu…
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