Kevin Espeseth
on September 27, 2024
1 view
WBR Live,
''Daily Constitution'',
''Hillbilly Friday'',
(pics on wimkin),
the 4 pics will show some winter prep this week. I was using a 2'' dia. Vent for the heat pump vent, so a lot of the refrigerated air was escaping into the conditioned space. I may still set some insulation between the machinery and the living area, but there are code conditions about fire potential there also. The exhaust and intake temps (at about 3 cubic feet a sec./at ambient air pressure) will be posted for the geeks that like to figure things out for the high and low conditions found this winter. Still need a deflector for the exhaust away from the intake tube (later). With the heated floor exchange of the machinery no outside air will be vented into the interior during the winter now as well.
The wood pile is adjusted for the size of the fire pit, and the extra insulation for the roof (back up to code) now has the approximate location cut for the structure support of the booster step.
We now return you to our regular scheduled program:
WBR Live,
''Daily Constitution'',
I've become identified (for a while) as a southwest conference coastal watcher / forward artillery fire control. Work that into your pronouns. Let's walk down the probabilities:
5/ China; needs women.
Apparently even ''big committee'' decisions can turn bad as well. I'm thinking an Australian invasion was in the mix, and with the public representation results coming out of that country lately (Kidman???!!!), it has to be an improvement over the English rule BS. How the CCP handles Hong Kong and Taiwan will determine how the world trade -required- teats them. The US influx is for other reasons, but still gonna have the same events along the way.
Sorry guys, if the obvious here is the only objective, the Latinos gonna beat us all on this one (look at the figures on just how much the Latino community is involved in how many countries around the world with out all the ''associated press''.
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