Kevin Espeseth
on September 12, 2024
WBR Live,
''Daily Constitution'',
(pics on wimkin)
Aircraft update.
The pics show how much an initial concept may have to be altered for objective and development for any production.
The primary objectives for this shape (to compensate for intersections added resistance and snit in the wind) is the found result that narrow cord stalls out at a slower speed than the long cord lengths. This makes the optimal location for the shorter distances to be as far placed to the outside corners of a square box as available. That makes a forward sweep wing (among other reasons) very sexy. The support for the primary lift has very difficult stabilization (wobble at the tip) at higher speeds. A strong triangle structure support and engineered tip construction will cancel most of it, with a automatic airflow control there for the rest.
The top view will show how much was removed from the leading edge (of both lift surfaces). The concept is that when the slow speed reacts with the narrower cord, the lift of the support wing (at the center of balance, or slightly behind) will assist the glide to make any stall (not forced) into a automatically stabilized glide rate that can be walked away from with no fuel in the craft.
In a flight craft, all control surfaces would be ''clam-shell flaperons, with the potential of a flight control system stability (no fly by wire required for stealth) operated with a high pressure EDC jets directed to the upper and lower surface leading edge to control the lift. The ''perpendicular'' tube construction of the wings is only a coincidence in this case (very thin wings here BTW).
It is much easier to remove material than reattach it (in this case the tooth picks -used to keep the control surfaces and forward wing tips in place) may help. I will also place a mono-filament, stiff wire into the front fuselage to keep the leading edge rudder effect manageable (bend for consistent flight path).
Takes a lot of contact without damage/cost....ya'll.
Dimension: 1200 x 1600
File Size: 545.75 Kb
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