Courtney Usher
on November 28, 2020
Check this out!! Most awesome deal EVER!!! If you?re interested in trying any of these out, feel free to reach out to me for more info!
??TruFIX drink: Balances blood chemistry, getting systems back in top notch order
??VitaFIX gummies: A multivitamin infused with TruFIX. Great tasting and great for kids as well!
??Vibrant patches: Contains CBD, ashwahganda, black pepper extract, GABA, and CoQ10!
??Harmony patches: *Ladies only!* This is our hormone balancing patch for ladies nearing menopause or difficult cycles. Contains Wild Yam to naturally help balance hormones
??RePLACE shakes: Excellent meal replacement shakes in brownie mix or vanilla flavors! Made from plant based ingredients providing 19g of protein and 6g of fiber
Dimension: 1200 x 675
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