Karen Crystal Angel
on November 26, 2020
Hi there....Karen here ?
Welcome to my newly created group and thank you so much for taking the time to join ?
In light of the censorship on the larger platforms and the energy of fear they spread, I'm setting up home on several new/alternative platforms and looking forward to seeing which ones work out best for getting my advice and knowledge out there in order to help and empower as many people around the world as possible to begin the journey of healing themselves.
I'm excited to connect with new people and build a new audience, away from toxic platforms that stifle truth and freedom of speech.
I closed FB on September 30th, initiated Twexit earlier this week so im now Twitterless and next on the hit list is Instagram which I will be closing down in December.
In 2017 I walked away from a career as a Research and Development Co-Ordinator in a global corporate medical devices laboratory after I came to realise that sickness and illness is big business and it's not cures that big companies are searching for....it's repeat business!!!!
Once i realised that i'd been indoctrinated rather than educated there was no going back....I had to un-learn everything I'd believed to be true for years!
Preventions and cures for many diseases had been discovered as far back as before I was born but the information kept hidden from the masses in order to keep people on the hampster wheel of ill health thus raking in billions for big corporate pharmaceutical establishments.
I retrained in more holistic and metaphysical certifications after a long battle with anxiety, depression, night terrors, insomnia and O.C.D which was eventually rolled together and labelled as P.T.S.D about 18 months after I found my dad dead.
My poor mental health spanned over a decade from start to end and despite having many different tablets thrown at me by doctors, I only ever ended up worse in the long run with more side effects and weight gain ?????????
Having successfully overcome all of that and worked through past traumas I like to empower others to step out of fear and apply consciousness to set themselves free by getting their mindset in check and helping them figure out where their limiting beliefs come from and why they don't have to listen to the negative narrative inside their head.
Onwards and upwards as we cruise headlong towards 2021....lets make next year our best year....No fear here ???
Much love.... Karen ?
P.S Happy Thanksgiving to all of you over in the U.S....I hope you are making the very best of the holidays despite the current circumstances ???
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