Arnold Moore
on August 15, 2024
Society will try to pigeonhole you into loads of different categories based on all sorts of unimportant and meaningless factors such as the colour of your skin or the size of your wallet. The day we all identify with just these four notions, the world will become heaven on earth.
All our differences will be celebrated with the understanding that we are all one same thing - human. From the same place - earth. Wanting the same thing - freedom. Ignited by the same overwhelming energy of love.
The awakening that is currently taking place, is getting us closer to realising there’s more that unite us than separates us. It’s getting us closer to a higher awareness of self and those around us. And more importantly, it’s getting us closer to God.
God created the earth for humans to be free to love, to experience and to create. Let’s honour his intention. Let’s be what he created us to be. We will then realise we are actually living in paradise.
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