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Pastor Tom Steers
on July 22, 2024
The Bible Study –
Our readings for Monday, July 22 are 1st Samuel 5:1 – 6:3, 10-16; and Acts 18:1-11, 23-28.
When people refuse to hear our Christian witness, we can pray for them and continue spreading the Gospel to others Christ died for.
Today, here are a number of evangelistic tools to use.
Our Church website has a page for people new to the Christian faith: http://christlutherantoronto.org/sermons/new-to-the-christian-faith
There’s also a page for those struggling with doubt:
The best film I’ve seen on the life of Christ is a 2003 movie, “The Gospel of John.”
Every word in the film is taken from the fourth Gospel.
The film is available free on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lchB_CEg5VI
It can also be ordered online.
I often give a copy of the film to people who don’t know Christ, and then invite them to read the Gospels and attend Church and Bible studies.
Nothing is more powerful than the Word of God.
To understand it in proper context I recommend the Lutheran Study Bible, the most annotated Bible in print that contains helpful explanatory materials. It can be ordered from Concordia Publishing House: https://www.cph.org/c-2885-the-lutheran-study-bible
God’s blessings on your Christian witness!
Pastor Tom Steers,
Christ the Saviour Lutheran Church, Toronto
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