Larry Speeks
on November 23, 2020
34/65, clear skies, winds SW @ 15 gusting to 20.
With outside temps in the thirties last night, the SC3 Wheel of Fortune was spinning at Warp speed, as the oil heater in the kennel kept the dogs and the cat that thinks it is a dog toasty warm all night. Inside the ranch, I banked the fire before retiring and we were toasty warm too.
Morning Coffee, Evangeline.
Gavin the Grinch is officially in 14-day Quarantine for Covid. One of his CHP security guards and his two children tested positive yesterday. What remains to be seen is how many rules the Elitist SOB will bend or ignore to his benefit. Taking bets?
Word on the street this morning, the neighborhood Shakey's Pizza is slamming doors shut. Thank you Grubbinor Nuisance. From my distant past, Photo of a very famous Shakey's.
Cooked up a batch of Prime Beef Udon for Mrs. M's dinner last night. Feeling guilty. For the first time in 40 years, I forgot our Anniversary. Ima Baaaaaaad boy. ??. ICRS anymore.
Trekked down to the cellar and dusted off several bottles of Quarantine Pinot Noir '17, for, appropriately, anti-quarantine Thanksgiving dinner. Cracked one for myself and Mrs. M. To savor over the Udon, it is aging well, and it paired nicely.
Anyone have recommendations for a good Apple Jack? Looking top off some Toddies post desert on Thursday.
Have a good Monday folk.
Milt & Larry
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