Toya Shae Os
on November 23, 2020
Surely there are folks on Wimkin that are here for more than just posting things we can't on FB.
I am also seeking folks who are either trying to get healthier or are already there. I guess I could jump into some groups, but I am still learning my way around.
I do Internmittent Fasting and keto/low carb (carnivore some days or even a week or two at a time). I started IF March 5th.
Pic comparison: 1st was before hubby and I had our babies. My 39th birthday almost four years ago. I was 180ish
2nd pic me holding my nephew at his birthday party in January of this year. I blew up to 204 when my son was born in 2019 and could not lose a single pound.
Two days ago, I took that pic getting ready for work. Had quit smoking five months ago (had to throw that in there). Been slowly losing weight but steadly losing inches.
I am at 167. Goal by my son's birthday in February: below 160, idealy 145-155 range like high school.
Dimension: 320 x 320
File Size: 22.71 Kb
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Debbie Norris
Awesome! You are doing great lady!
November 23, 2020
Toya Shae Os
Toya Shae Os replied - 1 reply
Toya Shae Os
And thank you ?
November 23, 2020