This will make you sleep better tonight. From Brandon Lawless:William RobinsonNow that the Department of Justice has the servers at the White House every state every County every District that engaged in making up ballots for machine switching is in the deepest doo doo you can possibly imagine. You're going to have droves of people flipping and already are looking for a way out and the president provided a hotline. And yes as I stated before the election and then again after election day, the presidency was and is Secure. You will get four more years of trump. This was inevitable before the election. Babbling dementia troll for this CCP Manchurian Joe can't pass the security to hold the nuclear codes. Yes he is literally classified by the military as a national security threat. Of course you have to leave it all in place them thinking that's present is neutered so that they would attempt the largest mass treason event in world history, a continuance of the original coup so that you can capture the entire dark machine. Not just in the United States but worldwide. Now their ability to insert globalist cabal loyalists is completely scuttled. You have quite a few people running for the hills hiding trying to figure out how to get out of the country. Dominion employees finding personal lawyers or disappearing altogether. If they had any sense they would immediately start saying, hey I will be a part of the prosecution for some kind of a leniency in sentencing. But of course we're dealing with really stupid people that believe somehow in their wildest fantasy dementia Joe can be installed even at this juncture. Treason is a form of mental disorder. Just like globalism as a mental disorder of criminal Insanity thinking that they can dissolve every nation state in the entire world into a globalist corporate technocracy One World Government. The pipe dreams of lunatics and mendicants.
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Linda Conley
Nobody ever thought about it, that quid pro joe wouldn't be able to pass security to hold the nuclear codes. His lying corrupt past caught up with him. It's as simple as that. Ain't kama a bitch?