Sharon Rowell
on November 21, 2020
In my mind we have been in a state of civil war between good and evil, and those who seek power and control over us that comes at a high price for our nation.
They are willing, no enthusiastic about pitting one group of people against another through class warfare as a means of division and hate for our fellow man.
They have demeaned and are attempting to destroy institutions we depended on for security, stability, and for our very soul.
They have been destroying the family to have both a mother and a father to raise children of two genders and not the multigender demo rat ? world of Heather has two mother's or two father's, two cross dressers, or having a village and a bureaucratic big government in charge raising your children.
They are taking the separation of church and state to a whole new level by locking you and your family completely out of church for your own good. No longer even caring what you think or feel.
They have all but destroyed civic organizations we grew up belonging, the Boy and Girl Scouts, they are demonizing the NRA, the YWCA/YMCA and others.
With only the family, your soul, and your Constitution being lost.
The civil war has come out of the liberal lefts closet to spill into the streets as their shock troops, you know the thing, rioters, looters, and anarchists doing it all for Joe.
Desperate souls, doing desperate acts. They have been acting it all out as part of the left-wing hate machine.
Paid for by a few rich billionaires and controlled by those who have abused the country that has given them everything, so they can take even more, and using you and others like you, as they stay one step ahead of the law and out of jail.
We need a Republican party to continue to stand as a beacon of hope for the many disillusioned progressives and liberals who love our country, it's institutions, and their God and are looking for a party that believes in them as individuals and as freedom loving Americans.
Who have lift a demo ? party that has sold its soul and peoples hopes and dreams and are now only promising, more captivity, more rules and regulations, higher taxes, and a long dark winter of despair.
So, this may be our last election, if the blatant thrift of our election isn't given the light of day, if good men remain silent and do nothing, if people are not held accountable and go to jail.
Then we will never have an honest election again.
Republicans will be free to run, but they would never be allowed to ever win again.
The media who were there to be the fourth estate, to stand as a guardian that stood up for the truth, and the little guy, has sold us a bill of goods, printed on reems of newspaper with barrels of ink proclaiming they have sold us out and have gone over to the dark side, becoming part of the so-called one world order.
The big tech giant's, big media, and big government making their world better for themselves, the elites, and for those who control the world, while they make our world a living hell here on Earth for the rest of us.
One last thought is please pray, to your God and maker: the Father, Son, and the Spirit ? to protect you and your family, our country, and President Trump.
They aren't after him actually. They are after you, for defying them, by supporting Trump. Who has stood his ground this whole time standing between them and you.
Pray ? for our institutions, our courts, and our neighbors that we are allowed to survive as a free and prosperous people to be able to pass to our kids and our grand kids, leaving them a better country for another generation. God bless.
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