JUNE 9, 2024
Divine Service Setting III (Pages 184 – 202)
Lutheran Service Book
OPENING HYMN: 818 “In Thee Is Gladness”
Confession and Absolution Page 184-185
Introit (read by the Pastor)
Psalm 18:1-2a, 27, 30a, 49; antiphon: Ps. 18:18b-19
The Lord was my support
in the day of my calamity.
He brought me out into a broad place;
he rescued me, because he delighted in me.
I love you, O Lord, my strength.
The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer.
For you save a humble people,
but the haughty eyes you bring down.
This God—his way is perfect;
the word of the Lord proves true.
For this I will praise you, O Lord, among the nations,
and sing to your name.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit; as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be forever. Amen.
The Lord was my support
in the day of my calamity.
He brought me out into a broad place;
he rescued me, because he delighted in me.
The Kyrie (Lord Have Mercy)
Lord have mercy upon us.
Christ have mercy upon us.
Lord have mercy upon us.
Gloria in Excelsis (Glory to God in the Highest) – P 187
The Salutation:
Pastor: The Lord be with you.
Congregation: And with thy spirit.
Our Collect Prayer:
O Lord, since You never fail to help and govern those whom You nurture in Your steadfast fear and love, work in us a perpetual fear and love of Your Holy name; through Jesus Christ, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.
Our Bible Readings:
First Reading – Proverbs 9:1-10
Psalm 34:11-22
Epistle Reading – Ephesians 2:13-22
Gospel Reading – Luke 14:15-24
HYMN OF THE DAY: 623 “Lord Jesus Christ, We Humbly Pray”
Have you ever invited people to a party, and they didn’t show up?
Many of us have.
And you know how that feels.
But imagine God is throwing the banquet.
And the menu is eternal life and salvation.
That’s the example Christ is setting before us today.
The scene in our Gospel texts is a Sabbath dinner.
Jesus is there with a number of Pharisees.
They were the religious sect that believed they could save themselves through obedience to God’s Law.
In the minds of the Pharisees, Jesus has just broken one of their rules.
He’s healed a man who was ill on the Sabbath, so they’re watching him, carefully.
And in fact, in the chronology of the Bible these cynics had already decided to kill Jesus.
Christ speaks of inviting the poor and the crippled to a wedding celebration – meant to be an example of the Heavenly feast.
A guest responds, saying, “Blessed is everyone who will eat bread in the kingdom of God.”
It’s then that Jesus gives what is known as the Parable of the Great Banquet.
A man in this parable has a banquet prepared for many guests.
The man, called the Master of the house, is none other than God the Father, Creator of the universe.
The Father of all glory is throwing a party, a festival for the whole world in honour of Christ, and to celebrate the reunification of a family, God, and His beloved children, through Jesus.
In ancient Israel there were two invitations sent out to a feast.
The first let people know it was happening, the second was a summons – it was ready.
It would be a great insult to accept the first invite, but not show up at the dinner.
In the Parable, those who come up with excuses had already accepted the first invitation yet find reasons not to be bothered to appear.
But the excuses aren’t genuine.
For example, one didn’t buy a field without first seeing it.
Or purchase oxen without first examining them.
The excuse makers claims are focused on wealth, worldly, temporary things, and have put God last.
Yet the reasons they give for not showing up are ridiculous, and idolatrous.
They’re violations of the First Commandment to have no other God.
Christ is giving an example of the Pharisee and Sadducees who rejected His Messianic healing and mission.
But the men in the Parable who refuse the invitation also represent people today who are obstinate, proud, and disobedient to God and His offer of salvation through Jesus Christ.
The story Christ tells is of those who worship themselves, who rely on their own efforts and abilities to stand before their Creator,
not as repentant sinners, but as self-righteous deniers of Jesus.
The Apostle Paul clearly tells us no one can save themselves.
Paul writes that all have sinned and are justified before the Father freely through God’s grace by the sacrifice of His only Son, Jesus. (Romans 3:23-24)
After these refusals in the Parable the man giving the banquet is angry.
He sends a servant out to the broad streets and narrow lanes of the city to bring in the poor and weak, the blind and crippled.
The servant obeys, yet there is still room for more.
As a last resort the man sends the servant out to the country along the highways and foot paths.
In verse 24 of our Gospel text, Jesus is warning the people of Israel.
He’s cautioning that refusal to accept God’s invitation will result in their rejection, and the inclusion of the gentiles into God’s family.
When Jesus came into the world, the hour of the great banquet had begun.
In the Parable, Christ Himself is the servant of God the Father who planned the feast.
Jesus was sent by the Father first to Israel, but the religious establishment refused His message, ignored His miracles, and instead chose worldly power, or salvation by self-righteousness.
They longed for an earthly Kingdom, not the eternal home.
So, God, in His anger, tuned from them, and invited the poor and unknown among the Jewish people and those who lived around them, all who were spiritually in need.
He called and assured them salvation was theirs.
Fishermen, sinners, and tax collectors became the flock.
And finally, Christ, through His Apostles, brought the invitation to the gentiles, to all the peoples of the earth, to you and me.
Today, God is still calling, urgently pleading.
His call is truthful, sincere, powerful.
He prepares the way for the preaching of the Gospel by the proclamation of the Law.
He does this so that we sinners know our utter helplessness and rely on the righteousness of our Redeemer alone.
God warns those who refuse His invitation to the Heavenly feast.
They will be excluded from paradise, and eternal life.
Only those who realize they’re sinners come in relief at the invitation of His mercy, love and forgiveness.
It is in, and through, God’s Church that we have a foretaste of Heaven.
In it, we hear God’s Word that calls us to rejoice, not despair.
We hear the invitation, and it has your name on it.
It says Jesus Christ died for you, paid for your sins with His precious blood, and out of love, offers you paradise.
It is God’s grace, and the work of the Holy Spirit through God’s Word and Sacraments, that fulfill the Lord’s plan to seek and save the lost.
The feast has begun and continues now in the life of the Church.
In it we receive the reassuring promise of forgiveness in the Absolution that follows confession, are fed the true body and blood of Christ in the Lord’s Supper.
We’ve been made ready for the Heavenly feast by the washing of our Baptism, infants and adults alike, because Baptism is God’s work, not our own.
God the Father has prepared gifts, in Christ, for all people on earth.
Yet, too often, earthly attractions, or the world’s problems and distractions, become more of a priority for us than the Lord Himself, and all He offers in this life, and the life to come.
The enticements and afflictions of this world, broken by sin, will end one day.
Then we will be in God’s hands.
God has prepared a celebration.
He’s persistent, and yet a gentleman.
He doesn’t force anyone into His Kingdom.
His invitation and His gift of salvation have been offered.
And how great will be the joy and harmony of everyone at the Heavenly table, where the food of eternal life is enjoyed.
Today, God’s servants carry the Good News, the Gospel, so His children may accept the invitation of grace and forgiveness and join the Lord.
They’ve been preceded by the Prophets and Apostles who repeated the invitation and spoke the message of God’s promise and love in Christ.
The Lord’s mercy welcomes poor sinners hungry for forgiveness, for the food from Heaven.
God’s grace in the Gospel is greater than all our sins.
Whoever believes that Good News receives God’s mercy.
We’re redeemed, freed from condemnation, not by our works or deeds, but by faith in Jesus alone.
The banquet is ready.
The table is set.
Christ calls and invites.
Hear Him.
Pax Domini Pastor: The peace of the Lord be with you always. Congregation: Amen.
Post Communion Collect (Right-hand column) Page 201 Salutation and Benedicamus Page 201-202 Benediction Page 202
CLOSING HYMN 514 “The Bridegroom Soon Will Call Us”
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