Michael Stone
on November 18, 2020
More big mouth shit talking from the maga croud. Oh yeah you're going to keep getting my two cents until you pull your heads out of your ass.
Nah, you surrendered it by supporting the standing force that gives these politicians power. Their power to make violence to enforce their will upon individuals. Quit licking boot and burn that discolored desecration blue line flag y'all wave around and stop perpetuating tyranny by supporting the standing forces of State our Forefathers warned you about. Then maybe the people can stand up for you while you sit on your archair of judgement.
This country is going to hell because of Tory loyalists like you that don't have a clue what real patriotism is. Without the kings blue line guns those politicians aren't shit. Just a bunch of scum with a bad idea. I'm not going out to fight shit knowing you'll be the mf that step over my dead red, white and blue body and say "fuck that" and get back in line like your king and his soldiers tell you too. Drag my name through the mud. Call me a criminal because your AUTHORITIES tell you that's what I am. Pffft and then there's the few that'll carry my banner as some meaningless martyr.
No I'm not afraid of getting sick. I'm afraid the rest of my life I'll be sick watching all of you act stupid.
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Michael Stone
So... You're not angry? If not then I'm obviously not the one with the problem here. Am I?
November 18, 2020
Michael Stone
What is more dangerous Ana, Apathy or Anger? World History gives very stark and horrifying answer. We are not immune to the atrocities commited against the peaceful and apathetic.
November 18, 2020
patty kenny
Better you remain quiet and allow people to think your retarded then to post and confirm the obvious.
November 18, 2020