Pastor Tom Steers
on April 16, 2024
The Bible Study –
Our readings for Tuesday, April 16 are Exodus 34:1-28 & Luke 7:18-35.
The Lord gives instructions to Moses to prepare another two tablets of stone and receive the Law again.
The Prophet had broken the first two tablets after descending from Mount Sinai and seeing the people worshipping a golden idol.
God tells Moses He will clear the physical Promised Land of pagans so that His people can inhabit it.
The Almighty warns that people are not to follow or be seduced by false ‘gods’ and pagan practices.
They are to worship the true God.
Today we’re confronted with many false gods and heresies.
God has given us His Word in the Bible as both Law & Gospel.
His Word which is eternally true and inerrant.
Christian believers are promised the eternal Promised Land of Heaven.
Many fall away from the true, Triune God to follow false ‘gods,’ whether they be pagan religions, idols of money, or arrogant disbelief.
Tragically they will be denied paradise.
Believers can face moments of pain and doubt, when we do, we have God’s Word and Sacraments found inside His true Church, and the body of believers that can support and encourage us.
We pray for young people who are raised without the benefit of the Church.
In our secular society all Christians are missionaries who can spread the Good News of Christ Jesus.
Pastor Tom Steers
Christ the Saviour Lutheran Church, Toronto
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