Thank you for joining us as we experienced #eclipse2024 right in our yard!
What #breathtakingviews and along with the actual footage are some
stellar photos of the #sun and #moon, #eclipse, #eclipse2024, #totaleclipse, #pathoftotality, #eclipsepath, #pathofeclipse, #pathofeclipse2024, #DarkToLight, #TheBestIsYetToCome, #GreatAmericanEclipse
#nature, #naturelovers, #movie, #EaglePassTx, #RaptureIN, #JonahTx, #NinevehTx, #NinevehIN, #APEProckets
995 x 614
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95.95 Kb
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Melissa McGarity
Reveals Revisited! Just Once in a Blue Moon! Hear JFK's speech on the Intel agencies.
See more evidence on the Information War.
See briefly how they did it and who all is connected.... View More