Melissa McGarity
on April 8, 2024
Eclipse start Eagle Pass, TX last Civil War flag buried!
2017 Eclipse ended in #FortSumter where the American Civl War and the #ShotHeardAroundTheWorld began?
Nasa's APEP [Egyptian Serpent Deity] Mission to fire rockets at the Eclipse?
NASA's future Warfare Circa 2025 presentation
"I give you power to tread on Serpents?"
Eclipse path crossing over #LittleEgypt in Illinois?
How many #Sychronicities before it is #MathematicallyImpossible?
#EclipsePath, #JonahTX, #NinevehTx, #RaptureIN
#LeaveTheWorldBehind, #DarkToLight, #UnitedWeStand,#OneNationUnderGod,#CivilWar
Thank you for liking and subbing!
#Godspeed, #LoveAndLight
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