Jas TexasUSA
on March 26, 2024
So it begun fake meat
For those who have Aldi’s
Aldi’s customers: If you shop at Aldi you need to know that store brand bacon is not from pig it’s from a growing CELL. Appleton Meats. Appleton Meats is currently a privately funded company exploring multiple cellular agricultural methods for growing ground beef, chicken, and mouse-meat cat treats. The company has performed the primary research required to translate cellular agricultural theories and laboratory research into commercially available cellular agricultural products. The company plans on launching commercially viable products by 2022 to 2024. The founder of Appleton Meats Sid Deen says the company is "looking at the cell types, the ability to grow them, the expand them and get viable meat out of it", and wants to serve the Canadian cellular agricultural market before expanding into selling their products in the United States."
Credit : Rebbeca Rogowski
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Daniel Hamil
Aldi's is a German company. Germany has some strong beliefs in food and beverage purity. I personally shop there frequently. I stock pile a German pickle they only sale for a short time each year
March 27, 2024
Daniel Hamil
There ingredient list
March 27, 2024
Daniel Hamil
I know not meat ..just an example of the quality you can find there. Also a recommendation of an excellent product. If you live in NE Pennsylvania ignore this post as I don't want you hoarding my pickles
March 27, 2024