Pastor Tom Steers
on March 26, 2024
The Bible Study –
Our readings for Tuesday, March 26 are Exodus 9:29 – 10:20 & Hebrews 3:1-19.
Pharaoh hardens his heart against the only true God.
This despite plagues the Almighty sends upon him, and the word Moses conveys.
The writer of Hebrews warns us against hardening our hearts in the sin of rebellious disbelief, the sin that denies Jesus Christ as Saviour.
We hear God’s voice in his Holy Word, the Bible, that gives us His Law and Gospel.
Those who rebelled against God and Moses were denied entry into the physical promised land.
Those who refuse to receive God’s free gift of salvation in Christ will be denied entry into the eternal Promised Land of Heaven.
Pastor Tom Steers
Christ the Saviour Lutheran Church, Toronto
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