Michael Stone
on November 14, 2020
Where was your precious hero's, the blue line? Wouldn't have been knocked out had he not been the typical tough guy, "nothing can hurt me", so common in the maga croud. Guess he wasn't as tough as he thought. Tell ya what, why don't y'all go out and "rally" some more with no guns. If you do have guns they're unloaded and zip tied according to your governments wishes and no one's got the balls to actually use em... Oh yeah, Kyle did, but look at what happened to him. All of a sudden your blue line made an arrest. Funny how that works.
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Michael Stone
P.S. hope you use your guns better than you do with photo editing. Pathetic. Grade school children can do far better. Now get to work, people need their trash picked up.
November 17, 2020
Michael Stone
Pretty close to Colorado Springs is still pretty far from where you need to be so I guess if you want to roll your stupid ass on down around the Dallas Texas area I'd be down to have you sign some waivers and get your ass humiliated all over the internet. I want to make some money off it. Big mouth ... View More
November 19, 2020
Michael Stone
I actually want to have this on video and post that video in here with a picture of your profile and a picture of what you look like after, plus a few hundred in my pocket.
November 19, 2020