The Bible Study –
Our daily lectionary readings for Thursday, March 21 are Exodus 4:19-31 & Mark 15:16-32.
Today in the daily lectionary we read of Christ’s crucifixion.
Our innocent Lord willingly suffered an agonizing death on the cross to make payment for our sins.
Although guiltless, He died a condemned criminal for our transgressions, not His own.
At Calvary we see the terrible cost Christ paid so we could be forgiven and reconciled to our Heavenly Father.
We also see the immeasurable love of God, who gave His only begotten Son for you and me.
There was no other way to accomplish our justification.
Only the sinless Lamb of God could make complete and final payment for the sins of the world.
We read that some present at the crucifixion mocked Jesus.
Christ prayed to God the Father to forgive them.
Today, reflect on these things in thought and prayer.
If you ever wonder where the love of God is, look to the cross.
Pastor Tom Steers
Christ the Saviour Lutheran Church, Toronto
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