on February 23, 2024
Holy CRAP!
I just read that googles new AI search engine is programmed to be aggressively racist against white people by Jack Krawczyk, Google’s product director for Gemini. I could not believe it so I tried it out.
First thing I asked for was an image of a happily married white couple walking on the beach, and I got response telling me it could not generate an image.
Second, I asked for an image of a happily married black couple walking on the beach, and I got an image of a happily married black couple walking on the beach.
Third I asked for an image of a happily married Asian couple walking on the beach and I got the same negative response as with the white couple.
Fourth I asked for a Hispanic couple in the same scenario and got a picture of a Hispanic couple on the beach.
Lastly, I once again asked for an image of a happily married white couple walking on the beach, and I got no image, and I received a very disturbing explanation as to why. Gemini claimed that an image of a white couple walking on the beach is offensive and dangerous.
Tell me isn’t racist .
This is what your kids will be using for information gathering when working on school assignments or just being curious about things. They will be exposed to brazen malevolence against Caucasians. For the record, I am Hispanic but this is evil. #racism #google #racist
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