The Bible Study –
Our reading for Thursday, Feb. 1 is 2nd Timothy 4:1-18.
What a spiritual inheritance Paul left the young Pastor Timothy, and us, in this letter written while the Apostle was in prison chains.
Paul prophesizes about the perilous end times we live in when false teachers lead many astray to their eternal destruction.
In Second Timothy, the Lord is also calling us to cling faithfully to His life-giving Word, the Good News of Jesus Christ.
In verse 2 of today's text, Paul encourages Timothy to fulfill his Pastoral duties in favourable times and during opposition.
Timothy is to boldly preach the Word in truth – both God's Law and Gospel.
Those who are erring are to be guided, even rebuked, using the Law which shows us our sins.
Penitent sinners are to be comforted with the Gospel and it's offer of forgiveness and eternal life to Christian believers.
The Apostle has fought the good fight, he has finished the race being faithful to his calling by Christ.
May our Lord lead you in your Christian walk.
To Him alone be all honour and glory, forever and ever.
Pastor Tom Steers
Christ the Saviour Lutheran Church, Toronto
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