Pastor Tom Steers
on January 24, 2024
The Bible Study –
Our texts for Wednesday, Jan. 24 are Joel 3:1-21 & Romans 12:14 – 13:14.
The prophet Joel describes God’s vengeance on the enemies of His faithful.
They are the Lord’s opponents as well.
The prophet summons the nations that have denied the true God into a confrontation in the Valley of Jehoshaphat, a word that means ‘judgment of Yahweh.’
There God will render His verdict against them.
On the Day of the Lord, at the end of time, God will also render judgment.
Those who have refused the Father’s grace and mercy found in Jesus Christ, His only Son, will be eternally separated from God.
Joel describes blessings for the faithful in a restored land.
This is contrasted with the desolation the enemies of God will face.
Christian believers are also promised restoration one day in the eternal Promised Land of Heaven.
Our passage from Romans begins by echoing Jesus’ words in Matthew 5:44 – a call to bless those who persecute us.
We’re to rejoice with those who are joyous, and mourn with the broken hearted.
This ability to identify with others through love is a virtue Jesus enables us to express.
Again, Paul conveys Christ’s teaching not to repay evil with evil.
Our Lord, while we were still His enemies, died for unrighteous sinners.
The Apostle tells Christians to submit to governing authorities, for God has given them the responsibility to keep order.
This submission however does not extend to authorities who persecute the Church. Then we must speak out boldly and witness to our Christian faith.
The commandments against murder, theft, and adultery are summed up in the rule to “love our neighbour.”
The Bible does give governments the right to pursue just wars, execute those who commit murder, and allows individuals the right to self-defence.
Pastor Tom Steers
Christ the Saviour Lutheran Church, Toronto
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