on January 24, 2024
In my opinion, the Church in the U.S. is missing a great evangelistic opportunity. Probably one of the greatest opportunities to reach people for Christ since the last Great Awakening this nation experienced.
There is a movement happening right now in our nation consisting of upwards of 100 million people. The vast majority of these people are NOT "churched" people. They are not and have never been regular "church going people".
However, due to the rapid deterioration of our society, this group of people have begun to seek and be open to a more moral, godly, life. Realizing, that God is our only true solution to this nation's problems.
This group of people care deeply about the future of their nation. They fear that we are losing the freedoms, we have taken for granted. They want to ensure that the NEXT GENERATION will be able to enjoy these freedoms. They have begun to realize that these freedoms are deeply rooted in our national Christian heritage.
They are so desperate for a change in the direction they see this nation going that many of them, for the first time in their lives, have opened themselves up to the idea of a spiritual solution.
The tragedy of this unfolding situation is, that when this group of people turn to the established Church in the U.S. looking for some spiritual support and guidance, the vast majority of churches do not want them in their churches. They may not say that to their face, but the Church tells them they cannot talk about their love for this country and better not engage in any political efforts. This group, who are aligning themselves with Biblical principles and seeking to understand the Bible and God, get ostracized by the church.
Some leaders in these churches actually forbid their staff from publicly supporting or engaging with this group of people.
No wonder so few of them are choosing to attend an established church.
This group of people have labels for themselves like, MAGA Patriots, or Conservatives. Many just call themselves truth seekers who love their country.
I know what you are thinking. You are thinking that I'm being political. Actually no, I'm not.
I am speaking about the opportunity to reach millions of lost souls. People that are open to the gospel and ready to be embraced into the Kingdom of God.
I'm talking about the opportunity to turn around a society that is rushing to destruction.
When Jesus looked at the society in Israel at the time of his earthy ministry, he saw a society very similar to what I believe we have today.
He saw a society that was extremely political. He saw an overbearing Roman government that was crushing the people with taxes and an unfair justice system. He saw a society that was desperately morally lost. He saw an established religious leadership that had failed in their mission to seek and serve the lost.
What did Jesus say to this?
The harvest truly is great, but the labourers are few: pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth labourers into his harvest.
Luke‬ ‭10:2‬ ‭KJV‬‬
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