Pastor Tom Steers
on January 20, 2024
The Bible Study –
Our readings for Saturday, January 20 are Ezekiel 47:1-14, 21-23 & Romans 9:19-33.
In our Old Testament text, the angelic guide appears for the last time and concludes Ezekiel’s visionary tour of the new temple.
Healing, life-giving water flows from the temple. The verses recall the river flowing from the Garden of Eden. (Genesis2:10)
The waters are a symbol of divine blessing, flowing in a channel of Heavenly grace.
This stream from the temple even gives renewal and life to the Dead Sea.
Today, God’s grace and mercy in Jesus transforms that which was spiritually dead and brings believers eternal life.
Ezekiel’s vision points forward to a new creation, and prefigures restoration in the New Covenant of Christ.
Verse 22 reassures us that the new Israel of Christian believers will be a place for all peoples.
Chapter 9 of Romans also speaks of the Lord’s election of Gentiles as well as Jews for salvation.
Some people will stubbornly refuse God’s grace, and continue in unbelief.
The Almighty does not force Himself on anyone; God is a gentleman.
Tragically, those who want nothing to do with Christ as Saviour in this life, will get their wish in eternity.
God is the Creator; we are His creation.
The secular, unbelieving world falsely reverses this Divine reality.
Despite this, God is patient, even towards those who deny Him, and are objects of His wrath.
The purpose of the Lord’s patience is to bring about repentance of sin, and for people to receive Christ as their Saviour.
We have a saving, restoring, forgiving God who delights in taking those who are “not my people” and making them “my people.” (vs. 25-26)
Our Lord “desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.” (1 Timothy 2:4)
In verses 30-33 of Romans Chapter 9, we have a key Biblical insight from Paul, and a central theme of the Lutheran Reformation.
Imperfect human beings cannot fulfill God’s perfect Law, the Ten Commandments.
Those who attempt to satisfy the Law by their own ‘good works’ fail, and fall outside of the Lord’s grace.
The cross of Christ is offensive to, and arouses opposition by non-believers because it undercuts self-righteousness.
Those who accept God’s grace in Jesus and receive faith in Christ the Holy Spirit works in their hearts, receive salvation for what it is – a free gift from the Lord.
We do not, and cannot, ‘earn’ eternal life.
Redemption and Heaven were purchased for us solely through the precious blood of Jesus at Calvary and His sacrificial death for our sins.
He was then raised by God the Father for our justification.
To God alone be all honour and glory, forever and ever.
Pastor Tom Steers,
Christ the Saviour Lutheran Church, Toronto
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