The media is actively protecting Pizzagate and the celebrities & politicians that frequented Epstein’s ped—hile island. First the media out right lied about Pizzagate and now they are trying to downplay it. Read Hillary Clinton & John Podesta’s emails. The emails are black and white proof that Clinton & Podesta were using an FBI recognized ped—hile code to communicate and supply children. Used on Epstein’s island and other celebrity owned islands. As well as right here in America and the Obama White House. The truth is already out there for those brave enough to seek it. #TimeToWakeUp #TheWorldIsAStage #FollowTheMoney #TurnOffTheMedia #MindControl #ThoughtPolice #FreeYourMind #Research #TurnOffYourTV #ThinkForYourself #MustResearch #TheMoreYouKnow #KnowledgeIsPower #ResearchEverything #SeekTruthSpeakTruth #WakeUp #ResearchRequired #RealLife #RealityCheck #RealTalk #Politics #Government #Hollywood #DonEverson #FollowTheSilenced #Memes #Instagram #EpsteinDidntKillHimself #EpsteinCoverUp #News
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