Melinda Wilkey
on November 11, 2020
With the election still not called and Veteran's Day today.
I took some time to reflect. Although, it is Veteran's Day and not Memorial Day, David's sacrifice still makes me look towards our men and women who are alive and continue to serve, the past, present and future and the continued sacrifices they make for you and for me.
When I was 20 years old, I was handed this flag. I was 5 months pregnant with my 3rd child. The forever that I had planned was no more. My life forever changed.
I never imagined the journey I would take or the pain I would suffer and how God would use the most painful part of my journey to touch the world.
My fellow Patriots.
Men and women have died fighting for this country. Children are having to grow up without their parent or parents bc their parent/s selflessly laid their lives down protecting our freedoms.
We must stand and fight for our nation. We cannot allow evil to overtake. We must turn to God during this time. I never realized how much I needed Him until I suffered and endured through the pain from the ultimate sacrifice my late husband made that Father's Day 2007.
We cannot allow the land of the free to become a socialistic country. A socialistic country is slavery with invisible chains.
Wake up America!
Listen to understand. Do not listen to respond.
We must realize each side has it's strengths and weaknesses. We must embrace these similarities and differences. We must not continue to murder each other with our words.
I love you all and pray that we can learn to love each other again.
#GodIsNumeroUno #LandOfTheFree #BecauseOfTheBrave #UltimateSacrifice #Widow #USA #Slavery #Chains #Woke #SeekTheKingdomFirst #FathersDay
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