— PIZZAGATE IS REAL —FACT — Ghislaine Maxwell was CONVICTED of sex trafficking.FACT — Hillary Clinton & John Podestas leaked emails are black and white proof that they were using an FBI recognized ped*phile code to supply these sex trafficked children.FACT — Seth Rich was assassinated for leaking those emails and blowing the Pizzagate whistle.The emails are still available on Wikileaks. You can easily search for the emails by searching with ‘KEYWORDS’ (Pizza/Hot Dog/Chicken/Pasta).The truth is out there if you are brave enough to look for it. PIZZAGATE IS REAL. #WakeUp #TheWorldIsAStage #QuestionEverything #FollowTheMoney #TurnOffTheMedia #MindControl #ThoughtPolice #FreeYourMind #Research #TurnOffYourTV #Programming #Brainwashing #ThinkForYourself #MustResearch #TheMoreYouKnow #KnowledgeIsPower #ResearchEverything #SeekTruthSpeakTruth #WakeUpTheWorld #ResearchRequired #DonEverson #Politics #Government #MediaCollusion #OperationMockingbird #IllusionofChoice #Hollywood #RealLife #RealTalk #RealityCheck #PizzagateIsReal #Pizzagate #JusticeForSethRich #TheGreatAwakening #News #RealTalk #RealLife #RealityCheck #Democrats #HillaryClinton #JohnPodesta #BillClinton #JeffreyEpstein #GhislaineMaxwell #Wimkin
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