Jim Westerbeck
on November 8, 2020
Anons, have you written to your senators and representatives yet?
? Find your US Senator: https://senate.gov/senators/contact
? Find your Representative: https://house.gov/representatives
Most have email contact forms on their website.
Email your senators and representative about Election Fraud and Voter ID!
You can copy the draft emails below and just fill in the names.
For Subject, you can put Election Security or 2020 Election Fraud or something similar.
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The Honorable Senator (name)
United States Senate
Washington, D.C. 20510
Dear Senator (name),
I'm writing to understand what you are doing to address the fraud in our election process and the travesty of the November election. Do you have a plan in place? If so, can you please share it? And what can we citizens can do to ensure honest and fair elections that respect the wishes of all citizens? Will you please support a national voter ID?
Thank you for your consideration.
(your name)
- - - - - - - -
The Honorable (name)
United States House of Representatives
Washington, DC 20515
Dear Representative (name),
I'm writing to understand what you are doing to address the fraud in our election process and the travesty of the November election. Do you have a plan in place? If so, can you please share it? And what can we citizens can do to ensure honest and fair elections that respect the wishes of all citizens? Will you please support a national voter ID?
Thank you for your consideration.
(your name)
- - - - - - - -
They work for YOU.
YOU are their boss.
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