Globalist Rockefeller’s Foundation's Rajiv Shah is stated to be the highest-paid CEO among big foundations in The Chronicle Of Philanthropy which just came out…It should be noted that he is also President of Rockefeller Foundation & he's also part of the World Economic Forum as an agenda pusher as they have a page for him at the following: with the company who are also part of World Economic Forum are William Asiko, Ashvin Dayal, Zia Khan, Naveen Rao, Elizabeth Yee, Adm. James Stavridis, Agnes Binagwaho, Donald Kaberuka, Afsaneh Mashayekhi Beschloss, Ndidi Okonkwo Nwuneli, Paul Polman, Juan Manuel Santos, Ravi Venkatesan, as well as Rockefeller Foundation. Out of all of the leadership and Board of Trustees, 15 out of 29 are part of World Economic Forum.You can see the list of Leadership on Rockefeller Foundation's site which is archived at: can see the list of Trustees on Rockefeller's site which has been archived at: one of World Economic Forum pages to each member of the Rockefeller Foundation that I listed in previous posts above.William Asiko: Dayal: Khan: Rao: Yee: James Stavridis: Binagwaho: Kaberuka: Mashayekhi Beschloss: Okonkwo Nwuneli: Polman: Manuel Santos: Venkatesan: is Rockefeller Foundation's World Economic Forum page: she's not part of WEF, Li Yifei has been to World Economic Forum's 2013 Annual Meeting of Champions from their 40-page PDF file: though he's also not part of World Economic Forum, Roy Steiner has been listed in World Economic Forum's January 2018 "Innovation with a Purpose: The role of technology innovation in accelerating food systems transformation" 42-page PDF file:
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