Billy Thomas Wylie
on November 6, 2020
I posted this on my Facebook page as a message to all of my liberal / democrat friends. I'm aware the election hadn't been officially called, but i wanted to get them thinking.
This is on the front of our home.
It's been there for a while and it's NOT coming down.
I don't give a crap about what you're seeing on TV, the proof of fraud is everywhere.
Now i have many friends who aren't republicans, and that's fine. Choose your side and stay there, i get it. And i won't stoop as low as some people on here and start attacking those on the democratic side personally because believe me, you don't want that. But i will address the party that those friends support as a whole.
For 4 solid years the democratic party has tried to put DJT out of office.
Russian collusion, the Stormy Daniels crap, claiming that the 2016 election was rigged when there was absolutely zero evidence even after an investigation that lasted more than a year. All the while the economy soared, unemployment was at a record low, fuel prices were lower than they'd been in 8 years, our military was being properly funded, the list goes on and on.
They went after the president for anything they disagreed with it seems.
No, DJT isn't a saint. He's by no means perfect. But he's got a backbone which the previous administration clearly lacked. He's a patriot but most of all he WASN'T a career politician.
That's what this country needed. Someone who couldn't be bought or swayed. I mean how can you buy a man that's worth billions.
You can't. Sure he wasn't a politician, but he also was not a dummy.
You don't amass that kind of wealth by being stupid.
Democrats 'hate' the guy.
But ask them why. See if you get a legitimate answer that is factual, and not just "because blah blah blah".
They can't control the guy. That's what i see.
They don't like his strength. They don't like his drive. They don't like his patriotism. They don't like his no nonsense attitude.
This country is stronger that it has been in decades thanks to DJT.
If Biden wins, kiss it all goodbye.
Remember that, when gas prices are close to $4.00 per gallon again, when unemployment is skyrocketing because your jobs are moving back overseas, when your promised 'better healthcare' is twice or more times higher in cost IF you can even get it, when it's open season on the unborn at abortion clinics up to the day of birth, and when you start to see your rights slipping away one by one until you're in the middle of a socialist utopia.
Remember ALL of it.
And then thank yourselves.
Thank yourselves for your hate.
You hated DJT.
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