on November 5, 2020
All I'm trying to do is bring awareness to the SaveOurChildren Movement but on social media platforms we're made to feel like we're doing something wrong...? I mean why are none of the celebrities bringing awareness to this Global pandemic?!?! And if they haven't done anything wrong then why is no one speaking on it....? Also need I remind you the ones that did were all found dead and all their credibility and information they had for the cause is all of sudden missing or they fact-check it and call it lies!! I mean this is one of many questions that I ask myself everyday wondering why this hasn't been brought to Global attention..? What are they hiding or waiting on...? All the people bringing awareness to the Movement are being flagged, warned, and terminated, what kind of society is this where the innocent cry in silence ? for no one to hear and then evil reigns in the frontline covering its tracks so no one bats an eye to the Sadistic fowl play that's at hand. Mixing the truth with lies so nobody can put 2 and 2 together. Divide and Conquer is their game and as long as we stand against each other they will continue to win. ???
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