on November 5, 2020
Just spreading awareness where I can!! Thank you to everyone that has been supporting the cause and being open minded to what's really going on in this world and also not criticizing anyones opinions just because they think differently from you because at the end of the day we are all here for the same reason & that is to end these heinous crimes on our innocent children!! But in order to do that they need all of our voices so the world can hear their outcrys and end their suffering so that no child will ever feel like they will never be heard and therefore saved. ???
@thesalvationfoundation @ourrescue @timtebowfoundation @catchingdirtybastards @timballard89 @timtebow @jennacantlose @chesterbe @chriscornellofficial
#SaveOurChildren #EndHumanTrafficking #TheSilentChildren #SpreadTheAwareness #FightForWhatsRight #BeTheirVoice #NoMatterWhat #ChildrensLivesMatter #OperationUndergroundRailroad #TimTebowFoundation #ChildrenAreOurFuture #LetsGetLoud
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