Don Mashak
on August 6, 2023
On various Social Media Platforms, Progressive Globalist RINO & DINO treasonous traitors are conflating The Great Reset & Digital ID Currency with NESARA & GESARA. Progressive Globalist RINOs & DINOs are telling all who will listen that they should celebrate & embrace The Great Reset & Digital ID Currency. They allege the current iteration of the Great Reset & Digital ID Currency will destroy the power & monopoly of the Banksters at the top current Central Banking, Debt-Based Fiat Money criminal conspiracy. Even this Cynical Patriot did not question the possibility this alleged duplicitous melding until other true patriots suggested the alleged misrepresentations... (continued in attached meme)
#GreatReset #DigitalID, #DigitalCurreny #NESARA #GESARA #WhiteHats #CentralBank #FEDBank #DebtBasedFiatMoney #Bank #Bankster #GoldStandard #Constitution #WorldReserveCurrency #USDollar #USD #NewWorldOrder #OneWorldGovernment #RothsChilds #Rockefeller #Soros #3RichOldWhiteGuys #control #treason #traitors #Progressive #Globalist #RINOs #DINOs
#Politics #Patriot #Constitution #Liberty #MAGA #Conservative #BlueDog #Independent #Centrist #Liberal #AmericaFirst #Republican #Democrat #Trump #RFKjr #Military #Militia #2A #NaturalLaw #NaturalRights #J6 #NationalGuard #College #HighSchool #FFA #Farm #Agriculture #TradeSchool #WeThePeople #Seniors #Boomers #GenX #Millennials #GenZ #GenA #teen #HomesSchool #Twen #Left #Right #Tumbler #YouTube #GrassRootsArmy #NAZIs #Propaganda #tyranny #Freedom #DonMashak #CynicalPatriot #Truth #EstablishTruth
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