Timothy Touchton
on November 3, 2020
Our Mobile, Alabama neighborhood voting line around 7:30 am. Line moving quickly, which is what I've heard from lots of people in different locations and cities, we all think everyone is voting straight ticket. The photos of the line is around 7:30 this morning. And NO, I did not wear a mask outside nor inside while voting. Its suggested, but not required. Nobody complained either and I was not alone in not wearing a mask. Alabama is smarter than the idiot Lefty states and requires a government approved photo ID to vote (because its common sense to do so). All states should since their is NO logical or rational reason not to require a legal photo ID. Two thumbs up Bama!
I have been voting since 1975 and I've never seen lines this long, this early. THE SILENT MAJORITY is here!!
Finished voting at 8:10, really quick. I do think everyone is voting straight ticket. We both voted straight Republican Ticket AND, to be safe, voted for Trump. First time Yiqi has voted for a US President in a National Election since becoming a US Citizen. (Yes, she did vote for Trump, a Chinese female voting for Trump, she loves Trump.) She did also vote in the Alabama Primary this year and in 2018 mid terms.
The Silent Majority will speak up today. The Democrat cheating will happen, it always does so our numbers today must overwhelm the Democrat cheating. Watching Newsmax TV and they are already showing Democrat cheating in different voting locations including....wait for it....wait for it....Philadelphia, surprise, surprise. Trump 2020
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