Derby Marie
on July 7, 2023
The following essay was published in Colin Jordan’s The National Socialist in the early 1960s. In this following essay Savitri Devi wrote about this German woman experiences while being a prisoner in the Allied zones.
“The scenes of torture at the hands of the Communists, under the order of a sinister Communist Jew. The scenes of mob cruelty: a young SS man of 17 tied upon a table and cut to pieces alive, bit by bit, with a knife and a pair of scissors, vinegar being poured into each wound. Germans, including women, drenched in petroleum and burnt alive against street lamp-posts. 130 sick German children dragged out of their beds in hospital, and walled-in alive in a cellar. And all the abominable treatment meted out by Czechs to animals — dogs and cats, having been owned by Germans, or to unfortunate horses, having belonged to the Wehrmacht. Those scenes, I say, seemed to be too horrid to be true even in a country in which many people hated Germans in general and German “Nazis” in particular.”
- Olga Barényi
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