Many people water down Independence Day to simply being the 4th of July. But this day is more than just another day in July; more than just another free day from work. So how did we allow this iconic day to lose its real meaning?At Wimkin, we know the significance of the language. So Wimkin celebrates Independence Day, not the 4th of July. Independence Day is the day we showed a tyrannical monarch that Americans will not be pushed around.We find ourselves in the same situation today. America is under attack. Though many are either too afraid, too naïve, or frankly too stupid to admit it, a coup occurred in 2020. Now Americans must fight again for our freedom.The man who was inserted as president fancies himself a dictator who can by-pass Congress as he wishes. That same man is believed to have partnered with the Chinese to shut down our economy. Also, he allows China to position spies in companies, higher education, and our government. That same man likely began a war between Russia and Ukraine only to satisfy commitments his son made to these governments on behalf of their criminal enterprise.Soon America will learn that we have been compromised by the Bidens in even more countries, countries willing to pay the Biden family to influence policies that in no way suit America.The sitting president accomplished this with the help of a complicit Department of Dual-System-of-Justice who routinely demonstrates that being a citizen of America doesn’t matter. This crooked DOJ has used the media for decades to spread their blatant lies euphemistically called “misinformation”. Further, they weaponized social media to complete their coup in 2020.Wimkin recognizes oppression when we see it. And America faces far worse oppression than we experienced when we fought for our freedom almost 250 years ago.Wimkin celebrates our forefathers; those who allowed us to celebrate Independence Day. But we also celebrate YOU. Because 250 years from now, people will celebrate the part you play in keeping America independent.Thank you for your support of Wimkin. We hope that you will share this message with your friends, so we can build a stronger Wimkin. It’s time real Americans join together to make social media effective for the goals of our nation. Goals that honor faith, family, and freedom.
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This world needs to get back to God

Darrell Davidovich
This world needs to get rid of the CORRUPTION in Government on both sides of the isle

Joe Lee selby
How do they say it she can piss off