Michael Stone
on October 27, 2020
It's not a state of lawlessness. Such a state cannot exist. Its like saying the laws of physics cease to exist because I wish to move in a different direction. It is absurd and that is the indoctrination of nationalism. To worship the establishment and their abhorrent laws putting down the natural laws that truly govern humanity.
It is not a state of disorder due to absence or nonrecognition of authority. It is a state of true order according to conscience of all rather than the tyranny of few. Each individual is a leader themselves and accountable in self governance rather than subjugated to being ruled.
It is absence of government and absolute freedom of all individuals, regarded as a political ideal rather than the slavery under one establishment of corrupt men and their laws that violate the natural rights of the people.
Anyone who disagrees with me needs to read our nation's Declaration of Independence and check to make sure they are within true American principle or they are mindless slaves to the authoritarian State.
It astounds me that so many who call themselves patriots don't know the meaning of the word. Its a profound ignorance, apathy and complacency in an era where information is right there on the same device they use to spew and perpetuate this ignorance in associating the term anarchist with marxist revolutionaries. Loosely based organizations such as BLM and Antifa desire to overthrow the current establishment to replace it with a socialist and eventually a communist establishment. Anarchists desire no such establishment of authority.
As an Anarchist I see very clearly the sides of fools. The fools who fight to make this nation what it has already become, but they are to willfully stupid to see it and the side that thinks they are fighting to preserve what they believe to be a Constitutional Republic that was intended, despite the glaring evidence that it's not. The only thing I don't see clearly is which side is the more stupid.
Its truly sickening when the truth is right there and easy to see. I am the last of an almost extinct group of individuals. I am a true patriot. My principles and ideology go far deeper than any document, than any narrative. I am one of the few last remaining that hold the torch of liberty. Our true law and order. As the Declaration of Independence clearly states men are governed only through consent. I do not consent to the rule of this establishment. Without consent the only way to rule is tyranny.
A true patriot fights tyranny. A patriot does not embrace the idea of a lesser evil. This establishment rules through the threat of violence and that is tyranny, and that means that my resistance to this establishment makes me an Anarchist. I am an enemy of that evil and they will call me many names, insurrectionist, terrorist, public enemy, extremist, criminal. Just as King George called our nation's Forefathers.
I am a Savage Sun and I am an Anarchist.
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