Kenny Hall
on April 12, 2023
This is a reminder of how much Trump cared about Americans. Even turned his back on the J6ers who were protesting on his behalf. No excuses for choosing political image over doing what's right.
FUCK TRUMP and the deep state swamp he IS VERY MUCH APART OF even though Trump followers ignore the facts.
Trump was seen with Epstein many times as well. Not just once or twice as he claimed.
Fuck Trump
Fuck Fauci
Fuck Gallo
Fuck the DOD, DOJ, BATFE, DHS, FDA, etc.
Fuck Gates
Fuck the NIH
Fuck the University of North Carolina
Fuck the System
Fuck Obama
Fuck the Bush Family
Fuck Reagan
Fuck Clinton
Fuck Beetlejuice
Fuck Pelosi
Fuck Schumer
Fuck Desantis
Fuck Diane Fienstien
Fuck Maxine Waters
Fuck AOC
Fuck Hillary
Fuck Kissinger
Fuck Trudeau
Fuck Biden
Fuck Soros
Fuck Majorie Taylor Greene
Fuck Pedophiles
Fuck Rapists
Fuck the Council on Foreign Relations
Fuck the Council of 300
Fuck the UN
Fuck the Federal Reserve
Fuck the Bank of Intl. Settlements (BIS)
Fuck the World Bank
Fuck the International Monetary Fund
Fuck the Ruling Families of the World
Fuck the Club of Rome
Fuck Skull & Bones
Fuck Bohemian Grove
Fuck the Black Nobility (not Black People)
Fuck Organized Religion
Fuck the Status Quo
Fuck the Democrats and the DNC
Fuck the Republicans and the RNC
Fuck the Q tards
Fuck Israel (the gov't of, not the people of)
Fuck Ukraine
Fuck Zelensky
Fuck those that support any of the above
Fuck many that I haven't listed
If you don't like it FUCK YOU!!!
If I pissed you off, research why you support any of the above. You'll find out why they're on this list.
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