image0.jpegODE to FREEDOM,I was asked to explain DEMOCRACY and what it means to me.It is funny our democracy only exists in our minds.China says its party stands for Socialism, Democracy and the way of its people and that in its self is a contradiction.Socialism will never lead to democracy or the will of the people.As in America the word DEMOCRACY is bandied around by both parties,TRUE DEMOCRACY is in the eyes of the beholder and what it means to themselves.To a Socialist, their security is their belief and they call it democracy to rewrite Capitalism.To me and most moderate Australians, Democracy means, freedom of faith, freedom to live our lives without government control, our Flag, our Anthem, our forefathers and what LIBERTY STANDS FOR, not for just them then, but us now, the feeling in our guts that our children’s future is secure with just us, to control our destinies.SAY YOU SAY I.GOD BLESS AUSTRALIA, Amen.
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