Are you paying attention yet? We’ve been warning our friends and family, only to be shunned. They knew the 💉 is causing these issues from the beginning and they still encouraged people to get more boosters. Unbelievably evil. What do anti-vaxxers have to gain?The media have demonized us for reading the ingredients and trying to help.Follow the money. $cience can be bought as easily as politicians.Praying for the poked. #FollowTheSilenced #PrayforthePoisoned #Vaccine#USA #Conservative #Republican #America #Freedom #Meme #Memes #Fire #Awake #Based #Truth #SeekTruthSpeakTruth #QuestionEverything #TheWorldIsAStage #TurnOffTheMedia #Programming #FreeYourMind #Research #TurnOffYourTV #MindControl #ThinkForYourself #MustResearch #KnowledgeIsPower #WakeUp #News
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