Rita Yancey
on October 13, 2020
Give us this day our daily bread...help us to make our daily bread...cause we can't go to the store to buy it, cause we are stubborn and will not put on a mask. But You made us smart enough and wise enough and we learned how to bake our own bread, which is pretty good anyway. Thank You dear Heavenly Father for all you provide.
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Bridgette Marie Gabel
Your bread looks wonderful! I have my grandma's recipe for bread--it's a staple in our home! 1f642.png
October 13, 2020
Bridgette Marie Gabel
Bridgette Marie Gabel replied - 2 replies
Meredith Lucas-Cissna
Love the stubborn no mask bit! Me too. Refuse to wear one, ever, and I live in the thick of dem dictator land.....I just go about my business and if asked to put a mask on I stare at the person like I am deaf, wait 3 seconds, and move on, no mask. I firmly believe masks are yet another way to SHEEP... View More
October 13, 2020
Rebecca Myers
I need this receipe please
October 13, 2020