Don Mashak
on November 2, 2022
It seems #Elon wants to lose his investment. He hired a #Progressive #Globalist #Obama-phile & #Trump-Hater as head of Safety & Integrity. Today my 103K follower account lost 17 unfollowers.Most were banned or deleted by @Twitter. So much for Truth, Justice & the American Way. No relief for us #Conservatives. I'm old enough to recall my elders talking about how Germans were dumb to let #Hitler& the #NAZIs rise to power. Are the majority of you going accept this tyranny. I can't even get you to begin meeting in person locally, without the politicians, to ESTABLISH TRUTH for yourselves & chart a course of peaceful action. If the majority fails to act, never say again you are #RealMen, #AlphaMales&/or #Patriots. Or, LOVE YOUR #CHILDREN. #Politics #MAGA #2A #GOP #Boomers #Millennials #Zoomers #Teen #Highshool #FFA #College
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